Hi - I am pretty new to PyQT .. I have only used it within Maya to this point. I have installed Eric6 and am using that as my IDE. The project I would like to take on involves creating an XML file and Editing that XML (add entry, delete entry, display entry). I want to use QT designer for this and want to use the ElementTree api. Can you tell me where I can learn to execute functions built in a separate .py file (i'd like to house all my XML manipulation stuff outside the form). Also I will need to be able to select a file so how to implement QFileDialog from designer. And finally how to page through my XML entrees.
The easy part is designing the ui ... which I have done. Now I just need to know where to go from there.
I hope this is not to confusing. Thanks for any help offered.
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mdonovan, to execute a function built in a separate .py file you need to import that .py file into the code. The new code will treat the .py file like it is part of itself. Look at it like installing another module, just one that you built.
-JRuehs 8 years ago
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